Wednesday, October 29, 2008

In the first place

So here I am ten thousand years from where I thought I would ever be. I am a stay at home father. I am father to Sammy Garcia. I have had to ask myself in this quest, not who I am, but who I was. As things shifted so drastically. I knew without question who I had become. I am Sammy's father. But who had I been? Who was this person that had another path and another destination?
I have always desired to be a professional writer. Now I have the opportunity. But my goals, aspirations, desires, fantasies, have suddenly changed. I am still a writer, but not the beatnik, smoking, drinking, starving poet writer that I was. I am now a parent. The smoking and drinking are gone, the late nights and barfly days of my youth have morphed into changing diapers, making baby food, and spending hours on the floor. This is where the drum circles happen now.
Sammy is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. He is my inspiration. Thus, my writing will adjust accordingly. I am now a parenting journalist. I will report on the new and upcoming delights like teeth and learning to use a spoon. How to make good baby food, attachment style parenting cloth diapering and... Well, I will leave some for my articles.
My hope is that this will turn into somewhat of a career. Being a stay at home parent it is difficult to make money. Being a stay at home Dad is hard on the pride. This sense of pride that has been instilled in all young men of our culture. You must be the bread winner. Even though I feel the job that I am doing is the most important job of my life, I still have this tiny pinprick of discomfort, like the princess and the pea. So this will be another topic of interest for the blog.
But more important than all of this will be the star, Sammy. His milestones and moments of triumph will be posted here. This will be a place for Sammy and me.


  1. Joseph,
    I think this is wonderful. I was so excited to receive your links and read what is new and exciting in your life. I was also glad to read that the smoking and drinking days are gone. I am so proud of you! I am glad to know that everything is going fine for you and your family. Tell Alisha I said hello and kiss that precious Sammy for me. Take care! Tynisa

  2. Stay at home parents are constantly under-respected and under-appreciated. It is a full-time job. Good luck!
